Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Artbeat 12 Art Competition- I won!!

I decided to enter my new works into 'Artbeat 12', an art competition sponsored by Eva Breuer Art Dealer. I was really excited to be the winner! Thanks to the judges Anne Phillips, Head of Art and Books Bay East Auctions, Sue Pedley, Artist and Sarah Fordham, MCA.

Monday, 12 March 2012

'Purple landscape' painting

This new work is for a lounge room where the colour scheme is black, cream, purple, blue and brown. I'm really into shapes at the moment so decided to incorporate some curved shapes- that match the light fittings and coffee table into the work. I also used some fabric- which happened to have another life as a shirt. 

Cushion love

I'm in love with these floor cushions hand made from upcycled jumpers. 
Find them on etsy

Monday, 13 February 2012

'Nevatim neutral' artwork

This work was created to suit a neutral interior. It includes the names of kids in a particular preschool class in 2011.